Hello, my name is Kirin

Ok, so Kirin isn't really writing this yet. Instead, it is his dad who, along with his mum, thought a blog would be a great way of introducing our son to our family and friends scattered around the world. (Thanks to Derek, Sandra and Lev for tipping us in this direction with the Browler.)
The most important development has been that we have learned how to actually blog. I know it seems silly for a process that is heralded for ease of use, but we have spent weeks trying to figure out how to work this thing. But enough about us adults and on to the advanced child we call son.
The logical place to start is, well, the start. Kirin was born on Friday September 23 2005 at the Royal Free Hospital in London. The vital stats were good: weight - 7lbs 14oz/3.584kg; length - 47.5cm; appearance - a thick head of hair, including a nice pair of sideburns (is that genetic?); timing - eight days early (an improvement on his perenially late parents); overall assessment - a beautiful child and a pair of besotted parents.
The process was long and tiring (don't worry, I managed the odd nap) but there are surely few human experiences more incredible than birth. Johanna was amazing, and the midwives at the birth centre, to whom we will always be grateful for their help and guidance, were fantastic. As for me... obviously, a man will never be able to experience the miracle of creation in the way a woman does - not a complaint, just an observation - but it is still magical to see what your partner is capable of and, of course, the emergence of a sort of mini-version of you both.
Coming up with a name was a bit tricky. We had a few ideas for girls but were continually stumped when it came to boys, even though we were both convinced that a son was on the way. We wanted an Indian one that non-Indians could pronounce, and Jack was a definite middle name (after Johanna's grandfather). After a couple of days, we quickly realised that Kirin was literally the only name that we both liked. It means, "one who praises by way of singing, writing or speaking; a poet; an author; a leader", and is also the name of a fine Japanese beer. So, not too much pressure then.
It has now been three weeks and, so far, mother and son are doing well. Kirin has mastered the art of latching with some style, is putting on weight, sleeping well and passing lots of wind (I think the efficiency on that front might be proof that he really is part Indian). As for Johanna, I swear she has done this before; you would think she had been a mother all of her life.
We plan to keep on updating this site as he grows, including lots of pics. I think you will agree, he is gorgeous.
Wow, Kirin I was going to say you've picked up the English language very quickly. You must have taken after your... mum! But then I saw that it was indeed your dad who had deceived me and written on your behalf. I hope you know you can take him to court for taking on your identity.
Serious matters aside, I think you're extremely cute, and probably taken a little after your dad. However, I'm surprised that your mum's managed to keep that flat falt stomach after giving birth to you. Anwway, say hi to them both and I hope to see you all very soon.
love, Amir
11:15 PM
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