
Derek, Sandra and Leon (pictured above) Brower are spending an academic year in St Petersburg (Derek is doing a PhD on Russian literature-related stuff and Sandra is on maternity leave from her PhD), and they were back in the UK to visit family and friends and, in Derek's case, a few pubs.
Derek and Sandra have been incredibly good guides to both of us on being new parents, by offering a lot of practical and encouraging advice, giving us tonnes of baby stuff that has proved more useful than we ever imagined and, perhaps most important, giving us the idea for a blog. (I mentioned the Browler in my first entry). And Leon is about twice as old as Kirin, a fact reflected in the size differential.
Finally, a few brief words of guidance on how to maximise your use of the blog:
- You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.
- Any text that is highlighted (like the words"Prospect" and "Browler" above) is a hyperlink that I have inserted. Just click on it and you will find yourselves in a parallel world of online delight.
- At the end of each entry, there is a comment button if you want to offer any thoughts. So far, the Hinckley-Australian Auntie Sarah is leading the way but all communication is welcome. And don't worry - I vet everything before it is published.
Hooray... I'm a winner!
7:54 AM
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