Follow your nose

For the first time since our return from honeymoon, we have had a few minutes to think straight. Work has been insanely busy for me and, as the family's chief blogger, this has meant updating has not been very regular.
It has been more than a month since our wedding and this is the first photograph to make it onto the blog. We had had this great idea of how to involve Kirin: he and Suran, his cousin, would be our ring bearers and walk down the aisle with the bands in front of Johanna and her party. Kirin, however, had other ideas. As soon as he saw his mama outside of the hall, he insisted that she carry him - she (happily) obliged and he joined us at the front for the duration of the ceremony.
This picutre is just after the civil ceremony, when Johanna and I had sat down to sign the registry.
wonderful picture... and not a stripe in sight
thanks for a fantastic day - it was gorgeous! my first wedding ;-)
Love from Max
4:15 AM
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