At 5:10am on Friday September 23 2005, Kirin Mattu made his first physical appearance in the world at the healthy weight of seven pounds fourteen ounces. At 1:37am on Thursday April 10 2008, his little brother joined the party, at the 37-week weight of six pounds 4 ounces. And at 12:34am on Wednesday May 4 2011, their little brother joined the party. Keep up with the progress of our lives via my blog.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

What an amazing day

I don't really do politics on this blog but today has been the kind of day that I want my sons - mixed race, British, Canadian, European, Indian, urban... - to understand for the change and power it represents. This is the most important political event of their short lives and I want them to recognise the significance of today's vote. We always teach them that anything is possible and could there be any more powerful a symbol of that than the election of an African-American as US president, especially after the horror of the Bush/Cheney years?

Kirin and I have been getting ready for the big day by watching some videos. This is him watching "Yes we can", the viral video by of the Black Eyed Peas.

If you haven't seen the original yet, check it out below. He put the words of one of Obama's early speeches to music, published it on his blog and the word spread like wildfire. Kirin liked it - though, that may well have been as much because he likes watching videos as the content, I kind of figure it will get through to him by osmosis.

This morning, Malik decided to wake up Johanna and me at about 4am. I decided to see if the dream had come true and it had. I sat down to watch Obama's victory speech and the boys humoured me with this picture. I think Kirin was more excited that I let Malik sit on his lap than with the book I asked him to hold. Well, you can't ask more of a three year old.

Ok, the last politics of this blog. Check out Obama's victory speech.


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