At 5:10am on Friday September 23 2005, Kirin Mattu made his first physical appearance in the world at the healthy weight of seven pounds fourteen ounces. At 1:37am on Thursday April 10 2008, his little brother joined the party, at the 37-week weight of six pounds 4 ounces. And at 12:34am on Wednesday May 4 2011, their little brother joined the party. Keep up with the progress of our lives via my blog.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Finding your feet

It's been a while since I updated the blog for a few reasons. First, we have been really busy between work and play of late. Second, Kirin has had a cold for the past couple of days which means the opportunities to show him in all his cute-ness have been rather few and far between.

So, how about another video? This was taken at Easter in Italy, a little clip of Kirin and his buddy Sandro. Just to remind you, Sandro is two months younger and is kind of bobbing because his mum is a dancer and he's got rhythm. It's a bit long - I haven't quite figured out how to edit - but personally, I can look at my son all day.

Finally, I had an article in the FT yesterday about a new genre of film rooted in south Asian Diasporas. Most bizarre, a talk radio host on WABC in the US read it and now wants to interview me. How weird is that? I will let you know if anything materialises and when the show might be on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous video AGAIN... so cute, I think he wants to come and visit his soon-to-be playmate in Australia Mummy and Daddy.

Rav - congrats on your article, I need to register to read the rest but let me say... a love affair with a white, American hunk vs. tradition... no brainer ;-)
Except I would make it an Australian Hunk... oh yes, that would be Scott

luv n kisses from Oz

11:40 AM

Blogger 7pounds14 said...

In truth, I think the key connection to you finding an Australian is that you met in an elevator in a Vancouver hotel. You need Canada to make the whole thing work.

3:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

aha... a small but vital element of the story yes...

11:17 AM


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