To soothe or not to soothe?

For us, the decision was a pretty easy one to make because Kirin has never taken the soother. Instead, he usually prefers sucking on his right forearm when nodding off to sleep.
In the past couple of days, however, he seems to have found a sort of middle ground in the great debate. He has decided that a soother is a fun toy - easy to hold and fun to chew on. This pic was taken this morning.
BTW, if you are wondering why he looks a little teary-eyed and his nose looks a bit messy, it's the cold he's been fighting for the past couple of days.
I wasn't wondering about the little tear in his eye... I was wondering at how grown up he looks!! Wow... Ready for some long haul travel to Australia I think. 'Hark... is that a broken record I hear?'
Very impressed with the feeding video... from your description I was expecting that one of the kids was going to projectile puke all over you... so it was rather tame in the end ;-D
10:40 AM
I know what you mean. He really is still very little but in this pic looks like a big boy.
As for the eating, it was all rather civilised. I will try to find some proper pics of the mayhem that normally ensues.
11:21 AM
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