A toothy grin

My friend Sara has recently started her own blog, and like us, she sees it as a good means of showing off a gourgeous son - Cole who will be two years old in a few months - and giving some sense of what life is like as a new-ish parent. Sara recently wrote about "firsts" - those milestones in life that every parent (and grandparent) marks down as progress: "First tooth, first smile, first burp..."
A lot of early parenthood (all parenthood?) is a celebration of firsts. I think we see them as a sort of affirmation that, however tiring or hard things might be, we are at least doing some things right.
Kirin's most exciting first of recent weeks has been the first tooth, which is largely why it has been so long between posts. I wanted a picture of him smiling with the tooth on display but it's not that easy to get a snap of him with his mouth open in just the right way. Johanna accomplished it last weekend and just to prove that the tooth really exists, I enlarged the mouth.
PS - Just before he went to bed this evening, he did a little crawl before going to bed. Now if we time it right, the next video might be...
Hmmm is that the same shirt from his very first blog entry? or did you buy it in many sizes?
...and yes I am a very busy executive manager and have lots to do with my time... I just notice detail *sometimes*
Auntie Sarah and guest in Oz Auntie Jud xx
9:27 AM
No, you are quite right, it is the same shirt. The amazing thing about this little outfit is that it lots of snaps, which means you can expand it as he gets older.
As for your attention to details, the ony words to describe it are extraordinarily impressive. Or perhaps it's the inspirational impact of having Auntie Jude around.
3:20 PM
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