Tired, very, very tired
He woke up early (5:20am) and after a big breakfast of porridge, you would think he was ready for a big day. He enjoyed the session and when I walked him home, was happy to push himself along on his scooter. He got home, had lunch and then announced that he needed to go to the toilet. He was in there a long time (he usually lets us know when he is finished), so I suggested to Johanna that maybe she should check on him, just in case he had fallen asleep. She was incredulous ("I'm sure he hasn't") but opened the door to find son number one, snoozing on his potty.
I handed her the camera before she took him off to bed.
how super cute... that's what my mummy would do though!
10:32 AM
and just to be very clear, my darling Mummy wouldn't fall asleep on the toilet, but she would take a picture of me if I did, and save it until my 21st birthday party...
3:41 AM
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