It has been three weeks since the last posting which is a bit too random for my liking and probably goes against the idea of a blog. But as the parents out there know, a newborn takes up a lot of time. Between feeding, sleeping, cleaning and working, blogging has found itself a little further down the priority list than I had anticipated. I hope to keep things updated more regularly from now on.
Kirin was six weeks old last Friday (has it really been that long?) and some of these pictures give a sense of how he has been growing and changing. Beyond the physical changes, he is staying awake and alert for longer intervals and is starting to hear and see more clearly - he recognises our voices and when I walk across in front of him, he shifts his eyes and head to follow me (just to be sure, I sometimes turn back on myself mid-step and, sure enough, he follows). And, most important of all, he has started to laugh, especially when you tickle him under the arms – when he does this, Johanna and I are sure that he is the cutest child in the world. (It’s a pretty good bet that every new parent feels the same about their progeny.)
As for us parents, we continue to try our best. It's funny, but we all remember our own childhoods and yet as adults we forget so many of the important details that could be useful as a parent. For me, remembering the names of nursery rhymes is one of the trickier occupational hazards. You always know the first bit (Hush little baby, don't say a word...) but by the second or third verse it's a struggle to remember what comes next. So, you generally find yourself making it all up to the tune of
Mockingbird or
Rubber Duckie. But so far, Johanna takes the cake on the creativity front. Not only is she great at creating verse on the spot (after she saw
8 Mile, the Eminem movie, she kept on telling me she would love to be in a rap battle) but the other day I heard her singing
Teenage Dirtbag by
Wheatus. He seemed to like it.