At 5:10am on Friday September 23 2005, Kirin Mattu made his first physical appearance in the world at the healthy weight of seven pounds fourteen ounces. At 1:37am on Thursday April 10 2008, his little brother joined the party, at the 37-week weight of six pounds 4 ounces. And at 12:34am on Wednesday May 4 2011, their little brother joined the party. Keep up with the progress of our lives via my blog.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Malik discovers the tide

Malik discovers the tide from Ravi Mattu on Vimeo.

Blogging seems to take have taken a backseat in recent months. Apologies for that but the dripfeed is what happens when you have two kids and a busy job.

Back in April 2007, we took Kirin on his first trip to Brazil and I posted a video of him discovering the tide. Well, our most recent trip to Brazil was Malik's first he too was entranced by one of nature's water shows.