At 5:10am on Friday September 23 2005, Kirin Mattu made his first physical appearance in the world at the healthy weight of seven pounds fourteen ounces. At 1:37am on Thursday April 10 2008, his little brother joined the party, at the 37-week weight of six pounds 4 ounces. And at 12:34am on Wednesday May 4 2011, their little brother joined the party. Keep up with the progress of our lives via my blog.

Monday, March 26, 2007

The whole world in his hands

I wasn't sure whether this video was truly blogworthy but if Kirin's excited chatter and the air of (justified) self-congratulation at the end make it worthwhile.

On another note, congratulations to our friends Derek and Sandra who have just welcomed their second child, Anna, into the world. Click on the link to the Browler on the top right of the page if want to see her.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Working from home

One of our recent discoveries is that Kirin is a great climber. Sofas, filing cabinets, small ladders, people. You name it, he will make find a way to scale it.
This picture was taken before I left for work yesterday. Johanna was checking her e-mail and Kirin was desperate to join her at the table. So, we set him up with his crayons and a notepad and he got on with his tasks for the day.
Seeing him like this makes me think that he is really turning from our little baby into a little boy.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Boots were made for walking

A lot of comments have been made about Johanna's sartorial style, especially in the stripes and pyjama department. This may have trickled down to her son.

Kirin hasn't been feeling too well for the past couple of days - he has some sort of tummy bug - but after a fitful night, the first thing he wanted to do this morning was put on his boots. Did I mention that he is an international supermodel?

A helpful pair

A little video from last week's sleepover (see post below). Their two mothers have obviously been training them well.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Kirin hosts his first sleepover

On Saturday, Kirin hosted his first sleepover. This is Leon, who made his first appearance on this blog way back in January 2006. He is the son of our good friends Derek and Sandra and was the inspiration of the first baby blog we had ever seen, the Browler.

It was fun to see the two boys together and interesting to witness two such different personalities. It may have been that Leon was getting used to us but he is quite concentrated and quiet whereas Kirin is more of a chatterbox that is unable to sit still for long. Still, the two boys had a good time together hanging out in the garden and playing with the toys(actually, it's more like they revel in scattering them across the floor to cover as much floorspace as humanly possible - two kids can make a huge mess in a small flat).

In this picture, Kirin was happily showing Leon his favourite little "hideout", down by the fridge at the end of the utility room.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Kirin's media debut

You try all of your life to become a journalist/media person and your son accomplishes it at the tender age of 17 months by appearing in a major international newspaper. How cool is that?

For the past couple of weeks, I have been working on a supplement for the Financial Times called "The Business of Fashion". The theme of the issue was shopping as politics, Bono's notion that there is a growing class of consumer that wants to buy products that are made in sustainable and ethical ways. It appeared in the paper today (click on the picture to enlarge it).

One designer who features prominently is Katharine Hamnett, who is famous for making T-shirts emblazoned with political slogans. She has recently created some new ones using organic cotton. One of them was a children's T-shirt and I thought it would be nice to have a kid to model it. Enter Kirin.

It was a bit tricky getting a half-decent picture of a toddler but this one worked out ok. If anyone wants a copy, I have about 50 at the office.

Finally, an old family friend, Nisha, and her husband Mark have created a baby blog of their own. Check it out here.